Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review of movie

Today, we went over some important points of the movie and reviewed for the test.  We talked about domesticated animals.  Only 14 animals out of the millions of species can be domesticated.  There are guild lines for domesticating animals to do labor.  They have to be over one hundred pound, have to be friendly with human, should be herbivores, and can be together in a group.  The animals that were domesticated was the goat, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, Bactrian camels, aribian camels, Water buffalo, llamas, reindeer, yak, buffalo, balicattle, and mithams.  Most of these animals are from north Africa, Asia, and Europe; but the llama came from South America.
We also talked about three things great, thriving civilizations have in common.  They are advanced technology, a large population, and and surplus of workers

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