Saturday, August 31, 2013

successful Freshman year

Being a Freshman in high school is very stressful.  It would be smart to make a list on how to be successful.  Here is my idea on how to be successful in freshman year

  1. Be organized.  I always carry around a folder or binder to carry around important papers.  If you are not organized you could loose papers and risk getting a zero.
  2. Do what the teacher says.  95% of the time teachers now what they are doing.  Don't question them and just do what you are told.
  3. Don't whine.  Whining will not get you anywhere.  You might as well not whine because you are going to have to do the work either way.
  4. Don't let people distract you.  You come to school to learn.  You can have friends and all, but if they are distracting you from learning, that is not good
  5. Stay focused.  In class it is very easy to day dream, but you should try to focus on what the teacher says.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

 I have to admit i was actually exited for the second day of high school.  I will probably get bored after the teachers start giving us homework.  The second day of school was not much of a difference than the first day.  The teachers were still telling us about them and their class, and the students were still trying to set up everything on their laptops.  Some teachers were more strict and did not waste any time, they got right to work and assigned us homework.  We did not do much in human geography today.  Some people did not set up their blogs so I, and a couple other students, helped them set up their blogs.  I am very exited to learn more about this class; because honestly, i have no idea what we are going to learn.  i hope we learn interesting things and I'm very exited for the class!

First day of high school

first day of freshman year

My first day as a freshman went pretty well.  I learned how to open my locker, which was a struggle at first.  The first hour teachers were telling us about extracurricular activities, and of course, rules.  Then all of the freshmans went into the auditorium and a guest speaker talked to us.  He talked to us about making good decisions and getting involved.  After that we just followed the schedule.  I only got lost once, and i think that's good for my first day.  It was less complicated and stressful than I thought.  My favorite classes so far are English and French.  That might change as i learn more about all of these classes.  Overall, I think my first day of high school went great.  I learned new things, and met new people.  Hopefully by the end of the year i will meet more people!  I'm very exited for freshman year and all of the years to come!