Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First day of high school

first day of freshman year

My first day as a freshman went pretty well.  I learned how to open my locker, which was a struggle at first.  The first hour teachers were telling us about extracurricular activities, and of course, rules.  Then all of the freshmans went into the auditorium and a guest speaker talked to us.  He talked to us about making good decisions and getting involved.  After that we just followed the schedule.  I only got lost once, and i think that's good for my first day.  It was less complicated and stressful than I thought.  My favorite classes so far are English and French.  That might change as i learn more about all of these classes.  Overall, I think my first day of high school went great.  I learned new things, and met new people.  Hopefully by the end of the year i will meet more people!  I'm very exited for freshman year and all of the years to come! 

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