Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Behind the Swoosh

Today we watched a video with a Man named Jim Keadly in it. Jim had a job to coach a really good soccer team, and the Nike wanted the team to promote them.  This means they all had to ear Nike products.  Jim did some research, and he found out about the "sweatshops" in Indonesia.  Sweatshops are basically factories that people work in for long hours for very low pay, and these people live in poor conditions.  Nike had has multiple sweatshops in Indonesia where they put poor people to work and only payed them $1.25 a day.  With that money you could buy one meal and dish soup.  Jim refused to promote Nike and he got fired in June of 1998.  Jim wanted to see for himself how bad the living conditions were in Indonesia, so he went to live there with Lislie Kretzu.  They actually lived in the neighborhood where the Nike workers lived.  The living conditions were terrible.  They basically lived in a 9 by 9 house with no furniture, and it was not sanitary at all ( the sewage was open and in the streets.)  Jim and Leslie only got 1.25 each a day, because they wanted to see how the workers lived.  It was not easy.  They were always hungry, ( Jim lost 25 pounds) and  they were completely exhausted after a couple days.  They were not even working and they were exhausted.  They couldn't image living a life like this and work 10 hours a day.  Jim tried to contact the Nike headquarters, and they would not talk to him.  The Nike headquarters put signs up to not talk to Jim or Leslie or else they would be seriously punished.  Then he tried talking to the CEO of Nike.  Of course, he refused to talk.  It is very inspirational the Jim and Leslie are trying to make a change.  It just makes me so sad that these people can not choose.  They either have no job or work in sweatshops.  This is an example of a negative effect of Globalization.

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