Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Death of Socrates

Today we reviewed the Greek terms again.  I learned some things that i didn't know, and stuff that a thought was pretty interesting.  Like how Socrates died.  From what a heard in class, he was teaching his philosophies to young kids.  The leader did not like that he was teaching his philosophy to the kids, because the kids were questioning things; and the leaders did not want that happening.  So basically they gave the choice to Socrates to go into exile or drink poison.  He choose to drink the poison, (which was a very painful death) and people kept trying to convince him to escape (which he very well could have).  But he refused.  He said if he died he would want to die for his philosophy.  There is also a painting named "death of Socrates", and it shows this big buff super hero man. Socrates was not a big, young, handsome guy.  He was an old frail man, but in the painting he is embodied as a super hero.  In the eyes of the people he was a super hero, so thats why he was portrayed as one.

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