Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Today we discussed and debated migration.  Here are some terms that we defined:

  • Net Migration Rate: The difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a county during one year
  • Immigration: Excess of persons entering the country
  • Emigration: excess of persons leaving the country
  • Push forces:  something that is causing people to move out of a country (ex. civil war)
  • Pull forces:  Something that is causing people to come to a country (ex. better economy)
  • Total fertility rate: Averge number of children born per women
We were talking about immigrants coming over to America i a big chunk of the class.  Some people though it was a bad thing and that these immigrants were taking our jobs. Some people didn't.  Personally i do not have a problem with immigrant coming for -for example- Mexico.  Mexicans come over here for a reason.  They need jobs to support their families.  The USA is a very great opportunity for a average job without a collage education.  People are complaining that the Mexicans are taking our jobs away.  But in reality, who would want to be a landscaper?  And the other part is these Mexicans are very hard working.  They do not complain and whine like some Americans do.  So in my opinion I think it is fine that immigrants are coming from different countries 

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