Wednesday, September 4, 2013


So basically all we talked about today was Socrates, which is completely cool because i like learning about him.  I learned more about the "death of Socrates" painting today.  I referred to Socrates as "the shirtless one" because that's what came in my head first.  I Learned that he was not only a philosopher, but a sassy philosopher.  He was accused of corrupting the minds of the youth.  All of the leaders did not want people questioning life and other things, so they blamed Socrates and his teachings.  In Socrates' trial, he had a chance to apologize and be set  free, but as i said before, he is sassy.  So he insisted that instead of being punished, he should he rewarded, and i agree.  But it looked like more people disagreed than agreed.  Socrates ended up getting sentenced to death.  No, it's not the death sentence where they just inject you and you die peacefully.  Socrates had to drink a poison called hemlock, and this was a very painful death.  It was pretty much like suffocating to death.  And Socrates had a chance to be free in trial and wen he was imprisoned.  The "death of Socrates"  painting illustrates Socrates moments before he is about to drink the poison and his followers are all upset and begging him not to drink it.  Now if you have never seen this painting before you would image Socrates in a corner crying.  But nope, he is declaring that he is going to drink the cup with his hand up in the air.  This is what I admire about him.  He was proudly dying for his belief and philosophy. 

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