Tuesday, October 8, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us pt. 4

We finished the movie today, and it didn't end the way i expected it to end.  I thought it would end with Daniel, John, and Panther all making it in America and getting decent jobs, but it didn't.  John was very motivated.  He had three jobs, and was trying to locate his family.  After all, his mother and sisters were still alive, so he arranged for them to be flown to America to meet John.After 3 years of hard work, John is supporting his family in Syracuse and Africa.  He got a bachelor Degree in Syracuse University.  e also opened up a medical clinic in Duk, Sudan; his home county.  Panther went back to Africa to marry his girlfriend and see his mother and brother.  He also got a bachelors degree in economics at University of Pittsburgh.  And he opened a school in his village in Africa.  Daniel still lives at job corps ans is taking classes at community college, but unfortunately, he did not locate his family.

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