Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Is America really the Greatest Country?

Today, you showed us a very interesting clip about America.  We spent the rest off the class sharing our opinion on America compared to other counties, and if America is the "best."  Personally, I don't think any country is the "best."  All counties have good qualities about them (for example, oil), and all counties have bad qualities about them (for example, a bad economy). But, there are obviously countries that are superior and more developed than others.  What I'm trying to say here is, no country is the best, but i still think people should have pride and nationalism in their county.  That might not always be the case though.  Like for example, i would not be proud to live in Syria.  What I'm saying is if you live in a good country, you should be proud to be a citizen of that county! I think nationalism is very important, and Americans need more of it.  America has accomplished a lot of things and i am proud to be an American.  I'm not saying America is the best, I'm saying I have nationalism.  And people thinking were not free... what?  Of course we are free! I mean we have laws, but a society needs laws to keeps everything under control, like crime.  Of course we are free.  So "I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, WHERE AL LEAST I KNOW I'M FREE.  AND I WON'T FORGET THE MEN WHO DIED, WHO GAVE THEIR LIFE TO ME."

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