Tuesday, October 1, 2013

God grew tired of us Pt. 1

Today we watched some of a video titled God grew tired of us.  I do not get the title yet, but I may get it later in the movie.  The movie starts off telling us about the Religious Civil War Sudan is going through.  North Sudan was Muslims, and south Sudan was animists and Christians.  Northern Sudan was attacking Sudan.  The soldiers were ordered to kill every man and boy.  If they didn't kill them they would mark them.  A lot of young boys escaped and they traveled to Ethiopia for refuge.  This was a very hard, long trip; many kids died of starvation, dehydration, and attacks from wild animals.  They got to Ethiopia, but Ethiopia was having economic problems itself, so they only let them stay for a couple years.  When they got kicked out from Ethiopia, they fled to Kenya.  Kenya had refugee camps that took these group of boys called "the lost boys."  27,000 boys fled from Sudan, and in the end, the grand total that survived over these past five years
was 12,000 boys.  After about ten years of staying in these refugee camps, three men, Panther Bior, John Buldau, and Danil Abul Pach, Were given the choice to go to the United States.  Of course they chose to go.  That's when class ended. I'm really exited to watch the rest of the movie.

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