Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Religion and Spatial divisions

today, you ranted to us about religion.  I completely agree with you in your rant.  Isn't religion suppose to be peaceful like "love thy neighbor as thy self"?   Looking at that map today, it got me thinking on how many religions there are in the world.  How can one religion claim they are right, and everyone else it wrong?  It seems so stupid.  I just realized how similar Muslims and Christians are too.  They both believe in God, and they both believe that they have a messiah.  It's just Christians and Muslims have a different messiah.  Who are Christians to tell Muslims they are wrong, and vise-versa.  Just because Christianity is more popular dosn't mean it't the "right religion"  Christians could be right just as much as Muslims or Jews could be right.  All of them could be wrong for all we know!  I just don't get why people are fighting over something they can't prove, and the bible is not proof.  The Bible and the Koran and all other religious groups were written by people.  It is just a matter of faith, and believing that the books are an inspired word of your God.  We also talked about spatial divisions today.  Spatial divisions are how we divide the livable space found on the earth by establishing social, economic, and political control.  They can cause conflicts or cooperation.  

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